
Weapons are made to kill, although for Dr. Sven Lüken, art historian and collection manager of the militaria at the German Historical Museum, those are daily life objects. He spends his days in an archive with more than 30.000 pieces, objects that possibly killed or tortured other human beings. A short portrait about an ambiguous fascination.


DE 2019, 5 Min., FSK ab Jahren, OV
Rocco Di Mento
Rocco Di Mento
Joanna Piechotta
Born 1984 in Italy, since 2010 works as a freelance film editor in Berlin - Germany. Since 2016 attends MA Documentary directing at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf His first work as a documentary director "The Demon, The Flow and Me" was selected and awarded at independent international film festivals such as "achtung berlin" (best middle length movie, best documentary short/middle), festival du cinema de Brive (France), Rudnik documentary film festival (Kazan - Best short film), Film Festival del Garda (Italy - audience award).

DE 2019, 5 Min., FSK ab Jahren, OV
Rocco Di Mento
Rocco Di Mento
Büro- und Lieferadresse: Kino Breitwand - Matthias Helwig - Bahnhofplatz 2 - 82131 Gauting - Tel.: 089/89501000 - info@breitwand.com - Umsatzsteuer ID: DE131314592
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