The Sisters Brothers, OmU

The story follows Eli and Charlie Sisters, two hitmen brothers in the pay of a wealthy man known only as the Commodore, who tasks them with killing a man named Hermann Warm. The Commodore claims that Warm stole from him and left town. Eli comments that he finds it suspicious how many people seem to steal from a dangerous man like the Commodore, but Charlie defends their employer.

The Sisters Brothers

US/FR 2018, 117 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren, OmU
Jacques Audiard
Jacques Audiard, Thomas Bidegain
Jake Gyllenhaal, John C. Reilly, Joaquin Phoenix, Rutger Hauer, Riz Ahmed, Carol Kane
The Sisters Brothers

US/FR 2018, 117 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren, OmU
Jacques Audiard
Jacques Audiard, Thomas Bidegain
Jake Gyllenhaal, John C. Reilly, Joaquin Phoenix, Rutger Hauer, Riz Ahmed, Carol Kane
Büro- und Lieferadresse: Kino Breitwand - Matthias Helwig - Bahnhofplatz 2 - 82131 Gauting - Tel.: 089/89501000 - - Umsatzsteuer ID: DE131314592
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Impressum - Datenschutzvereinbarung

Kino Breitwand Gauting
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting
Tel.: 089/89501000

Kino Breitwand Starnberg
Wittelsbacherstraße 10
82319 Starnberg
Tel.: 08151/971800

Kino Breitwand Seefeld
Schlosshof 7
82229 Seefeld
Tel.: 08152/981898