Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2024
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Gefangen in einer von Krieg zerrütteten Welt findet die achtjährige Tala Trost und Freiheit in einem Fernseher. Ein neues Verbot zwingt den Vater, auch dieses Fenster für das Mädchen zu schließen – bis Tala beschließt, einen Fernseher von der Straße zu stehlen.

Michael-Ballhaus-Preis 2020 - FIRST STEPS / Deutscher Kamerapreis (Nachwuchspreis) 2021 für Philip Henze

Termine auf dem FSFF 2024

Zur Zeit läuft dieser Film in keinem der Breitwandkinos

DE 2020, 28 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren, OmU
Murad Abu Eisheh
Murad Abu Eisheh
Aesha Balasem, Ziad Bakri, Khalid Al Tarifi
Philip Henze

2020 Tala'Vision
2019 Tarahiri
2019 Spirit of the Ball
2014 Where is Al-Rabee?

Born in Amman, Jordan 1992. Murad earned his bachelor degree in communication design with a focus on filmmaking from the German Jordanian University - Jordan in 2014. Following his graduation, he immersed himself deeper in his filmmaking journey and directed several short films. Later on he directed some PSA's and commercials for the Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan. In 2016, Murad moved to Germany and enrolled in Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg to complete his directing studies, since then his films have been selected and screened at several respected German and international film festivals for upcoming talents. Besides his life in the academia and filmmaking, Murad is the founder and coordinator for "Follow The Nile" of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

DE 2020, 28 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren , OmU
Murad Abu Eisheh
Murad Abu Eisheh
Aesha Balasem, Ziad Bakri, Khalid Al Tarifi
Philip Henze

2020 Tala'Vision
2019 Tarahiri
2019 Spirit of the Ball
2014 Where is Al-Rabee?

Born in Amman, Jordan 1992. Murad earned his bachelor degree in communication design with a focus on filmmaking from the German Jordanian University - Jordan in 2014. Following his graduation, he immersed himself deeper in his filmmaking journey and directed several short films. Later on he directed some PSA's and commercials for the Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan. In 2016, Murad moved to Germany and enrolled in Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg to complete his directing studies, since then his films have been selected and screened at several respected German and international film festivals for upcoming talents. Besides his life in the academia and filmmaking, Murad is the founder and coordinator for "Follow The Nile" of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

Matthias Helwig
Fünf Seen Filmfestival GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Matthias Helwig
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting

Email: office@fsff.de
Handelsregister B München, HRB 216217
Kino Breitwand Gauting
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting
Tel.: +49-89-89501000

Kino Breitwand Starnberg
Wittelsbacherstraße 10
82319 Starnberg
Tel.: +49-8151-971800

Kino Breitwand Seefeld
Schlosshof 7
82229 Seefeld
Tel.: +49-8152-981898