Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2024
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best friend forever
best friend forever
best friend forever
best friend forever


Eastern Ukraine 2025: The war with Russia already ended some time ago. Now the damage must be surveyed. It is devastating. What used to be a landscape of heavy industry has become a landscape of ruins. Some of the gigantic factories still seem to be running, but as if the machines were creatures in a trance, oblivious to what has happened around them. One traumatized man leaps into a furnace. His reaction appears only reasonable after Valentyn Vasyanovich’s film: ATLANTIS is highly stylised, yet unabashedly bleak. Most of the shots are frontal, almost tableau-like, reducing the few people still visible to extras in a post-human drama. Vasyanovich likes to arrange set pieces, like in the lengthy shot of the autopsy: the body is almost decomposed, yet one must still name and register every item that remains. Sometimes there is even some grim fun, like when a man stops in no man’s land to arrange for a surprising way to take a bath. But overall, this is an apocalyptic panorama by Ukrainian cinema’s most flamboyant artist.

Termine auf dem FSFF 2024

Zur Zeit läuft dieser Film in keinem der Breitwandkinos

UA 2019, 108 Min., FSK ab 16 Jahren, OmeU
Valentyn Vasyanovych
Valentyn Vasyanovych
Andriy Rymaruk, Liudmyla Bileka, Vasyl Antoniak
Valentyn Vasyanovych

2019 Atlantis
2017 Riven chornoho
2014 Crepuscule
2013 Kredens
2012 Business as usual
2004 Proty Sontsya
best friend forever

UA 2019, 108 Min., FSK ab 16 Jahren , OmeU
Valentyn Vasyanovych
Valentyn Vasyanovych
Andriy Rymaruk, Liudmyla Bileka, Vasyl Antoniak
Valentyn Vasyanovych

2019 Atlantis
2017 Riven chornoho
2014 Crepuscule
2013 Kredens
2012 Business as usual
2004 Proty Sontsya
best friend forever

Matthias Helwig
Fünf Seen Filmfestival GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Matthias Helwig
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting

Email: office@fsff.de
Handelsregister B München, HRB 216217
Kino Breitwand Gauting
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting
Tel.: +49-89-89501000

Kino Breitwand Starnberg
Wittelsbacherstraße 10
82319 Starnberg
Tel.: +49-8151-971800

Kino Breitwand Seefeld
Schlosshof 7
82229 Seefeld
Tel.: +49-8152-981898