Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2024
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Wo bist du, João Gilberto?

The film sets out in the footsteps of German writer Marc Fischer who obsessively searched for the last musical legend of our time, the founding father of Bossa Nova, Brazilian musician João Gilberto. Fischer described his journey in a book, Hobalala, but committed suicide one week before it was published. By taking up Marc Fischer’s quest, following his steps one by one, thanks to all the clues he left us, we pursue João Gilberto to understand the history, the very soul and essence of Bossa Nova. But who can tell whether we will meet him or not?

Termine auf dem FSFF 2024

Zur Zeit läuft dieser Film in keinem der Breitwandkinos
Where are you, Joao Gilberto?

CH/DE/FR 2018, 107 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren
Georges Gachot
Georges Gachot, Paolo Poloni
João Gilberto
Stéphane Kuthy
2018 Where are you, Joao Gilberto?
2014 O Samba
2012 L'ombrello di Beatocello
2004 Geld oder Blut
Where are you, Joao Gilberto?

CH/DE/FR 2018, 107 Min., FSK ab 12 Jahren
Georges Gachot
Georges Gachot, Paolo Poloni
João Gilberto
Stéphane Kuthy
2018 Where are you, Joao Gilberto?
2014 O Samba
2012 L'ombrello di Beatocello
2004 Geld oder Blut

Matthias Helwig
Fünf Seen Filmfestival GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Matthias Helwig
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting

Email: office@fsff.de
Handelsregister B München, HRB 216217
Kino Breitwand Gauting
Bahnhofplatz 2
82131 Gauting
Tel.: +49-89-89501000

Kino Breitwand Starnberg
Wittelsbacherstraße 10
82319 Starnberg
Tel.: +49-8151-971800

Kino Breitwand Seefeld
Schlosshof 7
82229 Seefeld
Tel.: +49-8152-981898